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The Idlewilde Property Owners Association is governed by a Board of Directors.  The board is composed of nine members with offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Directors are elected by members of the Association at an annual meeting held on the last Saturday in April.  Each Board member serves for a period of three years.


Board of Directors 2023-2024

  • President - Gary Friery

  • Vice-President - Vacant

  • Secretary - Sheryl Allen

  • Treasurer- Nancy Johnson


Mary Byrd    

Michael James

Pam Slone

Dennis Prince

Emerson Stine

Dudley Smith


Architectural Control                              Common Gounds & Rental House    Joe Crain                                                    Gairee Brown

Michael Allen                                          

Gary Osborne                                            Roads

                                                                     Rickey Martin


Bulletin Board & Beautification             Boat/Storage Yard            

Mary Byrd                                                  Emerson Stine


Club House                                                Social Welcome                           

Bruce Price                                                 Pam Slone              

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